Globalization of the markets has put great Competitive pressure on Manufacturing and Service Industry. The key to sustained economic success in Today's VUCA World will be consistent upgradation of Skills & Capabilities at Individual Level and Organizational level. Though Indian Government is emphasizing on 'Make in India', at the same time the Skill gap of Industry Professionals and Engg students is increasing each passing Year leading to increase of Cost of Manufacturing & Services, due to continues evolving Technologies, Systems and Practices.

A fine chisel is recognized by its cutting Edge, it makes no difference how finely it is made or what splendid steel it has, or how well it is forged-If it has no cutting Edge.

"Cutting Edge is the Key"

Diagnosis of problem in Business, It's Measurement, Analysis and solving it, is the Key to- Today's Business requirement.

Edutechnest -Programs are designed to develop the Cutting Edge of Professionals in Diagnosis, Measurement, Analysis and practical Solution Development Model using right "Japanese Tools and Techniques" after practically implementing them in 500+ Organization's Globally in 30+ Business Sectors.

Ravinder Kumar